Mosman 3D Dental

3 Root Canal Myths Busted

If you visit the dentist with a toothache or other signs of a problem and they suggest a root canal treatment, there’s no need to worry. Root canal therapy is a common dental procedure that can treat and restore an infected tooth and help you avoid an extraction.

Unfortunately, myths and misconceptions about the procedure are widespread, and can even be harmful if they cause someone to delay or avoid essential treatment and put their health at risk. Here are some of those common root canal myths and why they’re wrong.

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Myth: Root canal treatment is painful

Root canal treatments are often associated with pain, but it’s the infection of the dental pulp itself that can be painful, not the procedure.

As with other dental treatments, dentists administer local anaesthetic to numb pain around the tooth during the procedure, so root canal therapy doesn’t normally involve any more discomfort than having a filling. Your mouth may feel sore after the anaesthesia wears off, but this can be relieved by taking normal pain medication or other remedies, and you’ll no longer have to suffer the pain of an infected tooth.

If you need additional pain relief or have anxiety about dental treatments, our dentists in Mosman can offer other sedation options to help you feel calm and relaxed. Contact us to find out more.

Myth: I don’t need treatment because my tooth isn’t painful

Tooth pain and sensitivity are the most common warning signs of a tooth pulp infection, but not everyone has these symptoms, or experiences pain to the same degree.

Your dentist might spot an infection during your routine check-up, before obvious symptoms are apparent and when treatment may be easier. In other cases, a pimple called a fistula may develop next to an infected tooth and prevent pressure from building up, reducing sensations of pain.

Just because you don’t feel pain now, that doesn’t mean an infection isn’t serious. Delaying treatment can allow an infection to spread and make it less likely that the tooth can be saved.

Myth: The tooth will need to be extracted later

Root canal therapy is an alternative to extracting a damaged or infected tooth. When the procedure is performed by a qualified and experienced dentist, there’s a good chance that the tooth can be saved and restored to its former strength and appearance by fitting a crown. It can then usually last as long as any other tooth in your mouth.

An extraction may be the only option if an infection or damage is more severe. However, this will only be suggested as a last resort, as a missing tooth can involve more complications than root canal treatment, and may involve further treatments and ongoing maintenance if you choose to have the tooth replaced.

Do you need a root canal treatment in Mosman?

If you have a painful or sensitive tooth or another possible sign of a problem, contact our compassionate team at Mosman 3D Dental to book an appointment with our dentists at a time that fits your schedule. Call us today on (02) 9969 8610 or make an appointment online.