Mosman 3D Dental

What Are the Signs of Wisdom Teeth Coming In?

Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to erupt through the gums, usually once a person reaches adulthood, but not everyone gets them. It’s normal to feel a little pain or discomfort when any new teeth come through, but other symptoms could point to a problem like an impacted tooth, infection or crowding. In these cases, your dentist might recommend wisdom teeth extraction.

Read this overview of common wisdom tooth symptoms and what might be signs of a problem. If you need to talk to a dentist about your wisdom teeth, contact our friendly team at Mosman 3D Dental today.

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Common signs of wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth usually come through between the ages of 17 and 25, but they sometimes appear later. Signs that you might be getting a wisdom tooth can include:

  • A dull ache or pain near the back of the jaw where the tooth is growing
  • Pain in nearby areas, such as the ears or eyes, due to pressure on the nerves
  • Irritation of the gum behind the back teeth
  • The top of the tooth being visible above the gum at the back of the mouth

Mild pain can usually be managed with over-the-counter pain relief or safe home remedies, but you should talk to your dentist if you have any concerns.

Warning signs of problems

If a wisdom tooth is impacted (trapped inside the gum) or causing other problems, some signs could be:

  • More severe pain in the mouth or jaw, due to pressure from the surrounding teeth, or an infection or cyst
  • Headaches caused by a build-up of pressure in the jaw
  • Swollen, red or bleeding gums
  • Bad breath or a bad taste in your mouth
  • The back teeth shifting position
  • Difficulty opening, closing or moving your jaw

If you notice these or other unexpected symptoms, contact your dentist or make an emergency appointment.

When do wisdom teeth need to be removed?

Wisdom teeth don’t usually need to be removed if they’re not causing serious problems and aren’t expected to in the future. If you’re only experiencing minor pain or discomfort with no other complications, this can usually be managed with normal medication, without having to extract the tooth.

Wisdom tooth extraction is normally recommended for:

  • Impacted wisdom teeth that are stuck inside the gum
  • Partially-erupted teeth that are vulnerable to infection
  • Over-erupted teeth that may cause injuries in the mouth or affect your bite
  • Teeth erupting at the wrong angle

If there isn’t enough space in your jaw for extra teeth, your dentist may recommend removing a wisdom tooth before it fully erupts to avoid crowding. Wisdom tooth removal may sometimes be recommended at a later stage, such as to avoid complications during pregnancy.

Talk to a dentist in Mosman today

Is a wisdom tooth giving your trouble, or do you have any other concerns? Whatever the problem, our caring and experienced dentists at Mosman 3D Dental are here to help. Call us now on (02) 9969 8610 or contact us to schedule an appointment.