Mosman 3D Dental

How Do You Get Rid of Bad Breath for Good?

Bad breath (halitosis) caused by pungent food or drink is usually temporary and fades in time. But if a breath problem doesn’t go away, this may be a sign of a serious underlying problem, or that certain daily habits need improving.

A dentist can help if you’re concerned about persistent bad breath, especially if you have other warning signs of problems, such as a toothache or swollen gums. If you need to talk to a dentist about halitosis treatments, make an appointment at Mosman 3D Dental today.

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Improve your oral hygiene

Brushing and flossing doesn’t only help to remove leftover food that causes temporary bad breath. It’s also important for reducing plaque bacteria on the teeth and helping prevent cavities and gum disease that can cause long-term breath odours.

Your dentist can advise about ways to improve your daily oral care routine if they think you need to, such as remembering to brush twice a day and to brush your tongue. It’s also important to attend regular dental check-ups every 6 to 12 months so your dentist can treat any issues as they develop, and professionally clean and treat your teeth to remove plaque and tartar.

Improve your diet

As well as avoiding foods and drinks that directly cause bad breath, like onions and garlic, you should also limit sugary foods that contribute to tooth decay and gum disease by feeding bacteria in plaque. Alcohol, caffeine and spicy foods can also dry out the mouth by reducing saliva, allowing odours to linger.
Eating fresh fruit and vegetables can help to clear odours from the mouth, and drinking plenty of water throughout the day is important for rinsing the mouth and preventing dehydration. Chewing on sugar-free gum or mints can help stimulate saliva flow.

Mouth rinses and toothpastes

If halitosis is caused by a build-up of plaque, your dentist might recommend an antibacterial mouthwash or special toothpaste to kill the bacteria. If you have a problem with dry mouth, they may recommend a saliva substitute. These should be used following your dentist’s instructions for effectiveness and safety.

Gum disease treatment

Bad breath is a common sign of advanced gum disease (periodontitis). Treatment may involve deep cleaning of the gums to remove pockets of bacteria. If periodontitis isn’t treated, it may lead to gum recession and eventually tooth loss.

Quit smoking

Smoking or chewing tobacco causes bad breath directly, and is also a major risk factor for problems like gum disease, dry mouth and oral cancer. Quitting smoking or cutting down can improve bad breath and lower your oral health and overall health risks.

Treat underlying conditions

Seasonal allergies and certain medical conditions can cause halitosis, including acid reflux, diabetes, gastrointestinal issues, liver or kidney problems, respiratory tract and sinus infections, and tonsillitis. Treating or managing the underlying condition should make bad breath go away.

Talk to a Mosman dentist

If you’re worried about bad breath, or due for a check-up and clean to remove built-up plaque, call (02) 9969 8610 to speak to our friendly team at Mosman 3D Dental or book an appointment online.