Mosman 3D Dental

Is It Possible to Straighten Teeth without Braces?

Crooked, misaligned or gapped teeth can affect a person’s appearance and confidence. They may also cause other problems, like affecting eating, speech or the development of nearby teeth. While braces are the most common method of straightening smiles, they are no longer the only option, especially for adults.
If you prefer to avoid braces because of how they look or feel, or because of their inconvenience, your dentist could discuss alternatives, depending on your specific needs. Read about these options below or contact our dentists to arrange an orthodontic consultation.

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1. Invisalign® clear aligners

These transparent aligners are made from soft, durable plastic and are custom made to fit perfectly over your teeth. Each set of aligners is worn for around two weeks before switching them for the next set in the series.

Invisalign aligners function similarly to braces in that they gradually straighten teeth over a set period of time, but they’re much less visible in the mouth. They can also be taken out when you eat and clean your teeth, so they won’t affect your diet or lifestyle. However, being removable requires a high level of compliance from wearers, who must commit to wearing them for at least 22 hours a day to achieve optimal results.

2. Tooth bonding

For minor corrections or closing small gaps, your dentist may suggest dental bonding. This involves applying a resin to teeth that hardens and bonds with their surfaces.
Your dentist can match the colour of the resin to your natural tooth shade, but this material is more prone to damage and staining than tooth enamel, so it may need a touch-up after a number of years.

3. Dental crowns

A tooth crown or cap can be fitted over a tooth to change its alignment, size or other aspects of its appearance. Dentists first remove some enamel and take an impression of the tooth that’s used to design the custom restoration.
Modern crowns are usually made from porcelain for a natural appearance, or porcelain over a metal core for added strength. Getting a crown traditionally involves several visits to the dentist, but dental clinics that are equipped with CEREC technology can offer same day crowns.

4. Dental veneers

Dental veneers can be fitted over teeth to give the appearance of a straighter smile or to close gaps. They can be made from lifelike porcelain or more affordable composite resin, and can usually last a number of years with good care.

Veneers are a form of cosmetic dentistry and may be suitable if you have a minor misalignment issue. If your teeth need more correction than can be achieved with veneers, your dentist may suggest another option such as crowns or aligners.

Orthodontics and teeth straightening in Mosman

If you or your child are struggling with crooked or misaligned teeth, contact our friendly team at Mosman 3D Dental to book a consultation with our experienced dentists and discuss your options. Call us today on (02) 9969 8610 or book an appointment online.