Mosman 3D Dental

What Causes Toothache?

Toothache is a common symptom that can have many underlying causes. It usually happens when tooth damage or an infection breaks through the protective outer layers and reaches the soft interior of a tooth (the pulp) that contains nerves and blood vessels. However, it can also happen for other reasons.

Understanding what’s causing your toothache is the first step to relieving the pain and getting the treatment you need. Read this guide to common causes of toothaches and book an appointment with our Mosman dentists to find out how we can help.

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Tooth decay

Tooth decay is the erosion of tooth enamel by acids. These are released by bacteria that build up on the teeth when they consume sugar and other carbohydrates that enter your mouth. Over time, teeth can wear down or form cavities, exposing the dental pulp.

Dentists can treat cavities by removing the decayed tissue and placing a sterile filling to restore the tooth. Further tooth decay can be prevented by following good oral hygiene and keeping up with your regular dental visits for a check-up and clean.

Tooth damage

Injuries to teeth resulting in cracks, chips, fractures or broken fillings can also cause tooth pain if the damage reaches the centre of the tooth. Minor damage can sometimes be repaired with composite bonding or a filling. For more severe damage, dentists may cover the tooth with a custom crown.

Tooth eruption

Teething can cause soreness in the gums that feels similar to a toothache in infants and children, and it can also happen to older teens and adults if a wisdom tooth is coming through. This pain is usually temporary, but if your wisdom tooth is stuck inside the gum (impacted) or causing other problems, it may need to be extracted.

Gum problems

Teeth may feel more sensitive or painful if the gums shrink or pull back and expose their more sensitive roots. This can happen if gingivitis isn’t treated and develops into periodontitis, the advanced form of gum disease. Gingivitis can usually be prevented with good daily care and professional oral hygiene maintenance, but advanced gum disease will need treatment.


If the dental pulp becomes infected, this can be very painful and may require root canal therapy. This involves carefully removing the infected tissue, sterilising the inside of the tooth and filling it with a sterile material. The treated tooth is then restored with a crown or filling.

An infection around tooth roots can develop into an abscess, which will need to be removed by a dentist. If an infection is more severe, the affected tooth may need to be extracted.

Other causes of toothache

Toothache may also be a symptom of other problems, including sinusitis (for the upper teeth), injury to the jaw or temporomandibular joints (TMJ), or an ulcer on the gum. Your dentist will ask about your symptoms and may need to take an x-ray or other images to determine the cause or causes of your toothache.

Need to see a dentist?

Do you have a toothache that won’t go away, or has it been longer than 6 months since you visited the dentist? Call our friendly team at Mosman 3D Dental on (02) 9969 8610 to book an appointment today or book online.